register for
SRC mini

To register for SRC Mini, click the applicable registration button below.


OA Members
$200 inc GST

Non Members (Australia)
$400 inc GST


A special accommodation rate has been negotiated with the venue. Please click the button below.


1. Registration

1.1 Individuals can register for an event by using our online booking system for each event, or by calling our office who can complete the booking on their behalf.

2. Payment

2.1 Fees are to be paid at the time of registration.

2.2 Fees are to be paid via credit card or direct transfer to our bank.

2.3 A registration will not be considered finalised until payment is successfully received.

3. Processing credit card payments 

3.1 Credit card payments will be processed immediately via a secure online payment gateway.

4. Cancellation by the member

4.1 Members can cancel the event by notifying Optometry Australia (OA) of their intention to cancel in accordance with clause 4.2 of the Terms and Conditions.

4.2 Notification can occur via phone or email.

4.3 Members must advise us of their intention to cancel at least two (2) business days prior to the event starting for in person events.  Conferences and special workshops require 7 days notice.

4.3 Refunds will be managed in accordance with clause 8 and clause 9 of the Terms and Conditions.

5. Member does not attend the scheduled event without cancelling

5.1 If the member does not attend the scheduled event and has not notified OA in accordance with clause 4, no refund will be provided for the proportion of the event not attended by the member.

6. Cancellation by OA

6.1 Whilst making every effort not to cancel, OA reserves the right to cancel the event for reasons including but not limited to:

6.1.1. Unavailability of speakers;

6.1.2 Pandemic or other government orders; or

6.1.2. Force majeure.

6.2 In case of cancellation OA will endeavour to notify the member no less than 2 business days before the event, except in the case of an emergency or unforeseen event.

6.3 In accordance with Clause 8.2 of the Terms and Conditions, a full refund will be granted where the event is cancelled.

7. Event postponed or re-scheduled by OA

7.1 The organisation may postpone or re-schedule the event due to speaker unavailability or for any other reason.

7.2 If the event is postponed or re-scheduled, OA will notify the delegate at least two (2) business days prior to the event, except in the case of emergency or unforeseen event.

7.3 If the event is postponed or re-scheduled, OA will provide the member with the following options:

7.3.1. Participation at the re-scheduled day and time; or

7.3.2. Refund of the proportion of the event not yet provided, being an individual session or the components of a program not yet delivered.

8. Refunds

8.1 Refund of the proportion of the event not yet provided will be granted to a delegate who informs OA of their intention to cancel at least two (2) business days prior to the event.

8.2 Refund of the proportion of the event not yet delivered will be granted to a member in the case of cancellation (clause 6 of the Terms and Conditions).

8.3 In line with Clause 7.3 of the Terms and Conditions, refund of the proportion of the event not yet delivered may be granted to a member in the case the event is postponed or re-scheduled and the member elects to cancel rather than re-schedule.

8.4 Refund will not be granted to a delegate cancelling the event less than two (2) business days prior to the event except as defined in clause 9 of the Terms and Conditions.

8.5 Refunds will be processed by refunding the credit card used for initial payment or by direct transfer if that method was used for initial payment.

9. Refunds under special consideration

9.1 Notwithstanding clause 8.4, a delegate who cancels their attendance less than two (2) business days prior to the event, and would like to seek refund, can apply for special consideration if there are exceptional circumstances leading to their cancellation. They will need to provide a detailed reason for their request.

9.2 Application for special consideration is to be submitted via email to  prior to the event, when possible.

9.3 Members must apply for special consideration in writing via email as per clause 9.2.

9.4 Application for special consideration will be reviewed by OA on a case-by-case basis.

9.5 Members applying for special consideration will be contacted within 7 business days from when the application for special consideration is received by OA. A decision will be made after contact has been made and the delegate notified of the decision via email.

9.6 If application for special consideration is successful, OA will refund the member the proportion of the event not yet delivered (please refer to refund policy outlined for the event).

9.7 If application for special consideration is not successful, no refund will be granted to the applicant.

9.8 If granted, refunds will be processed under clause 8.5.

10. Attendance

10.1 For face-to-face (in-person) event participants are encouraged to arrive at the event 30 minutes prior to commencement.

10.2 For online events participants are encouraged to have tested the link provided to log on to the meeting online prior to the event start time.

11. Retention of membership to access member rates for the service

11.1 The member rate is only applicable to members who maintain financial membership.  The participant agrees that if they register and pay for the event as a member and terminate membership prior to the running of the event, OA reserves the right to charge the delegate the non-member rate.

12. Privacy and confidentiality

12.1 The information provided by a prospective applicant at time of booking will be kept secure and accessed only by authorised OA staff members.

12.2 OA will not share any of the information collected at time of booking, or during the event, with third party organisations for sales and marketing purposes without the prior consent of the delegate.

12.3 Credit card payments are processed using a secure payment gateway – Securepay.

12.4 Information collected will not be disclosed to external parties unless release is required by law or if OA is concerned for the wellbeing of the participant and has been unable to reach them.

13. Generic advice

13.1 Any advice provided during the event is to be considered general in nature and may not take into account your personal situation. Participants should consider whether the information and advice provided is appropriate to their needs.

13.2 Although every effort will be made to ensure accuracy of the information and advice provided during the event, OA disclaim all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded), for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information provided or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.